Great Income Opportunity Coming to New York City

Meet Brian Lyles Saturday, December 15th at 2pm (Columbus Circle)


This multi-million, debt-free company, has created over 350 millionaires in the past 15 years and are beginning a global expansion beginning with North America.

Don’t miss a special presentation by the vice president of this company, entrepreneur, trainer and consultant Brain Lyles who has had over 20 years of experience in the Network Marketing and Direct sales Industry. He’s been a Top Money Earner as a Distributor, an Industry educator who has trained tens of thousands of distributors, and a Consultant who has designed successful Compensation Plans, training programs, and marketing platforms,.

In addition to having been personally trained and mentored by this gentleman, I have had the great privilege of accompanying him on many of the North American tours watching how he transforms peoples lives with his immense experience knowledge, and wisdom.

LOCATION & DIRECTIONS: Go to Columbus Circle Station (A,B,C,D,1,N,Q,R,W) then to 301 West 55th Street, #4 (Corner of 8th Ave) Street Car Parking FREE at 6pm on 54th, 55th, & 56th street after 9th Avenue. FREE at 6pm on 55th street between 8th & 9th Avenue


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