If You’re Going to be Involved
in Network Marketing,
Decide to be a Professional.
Decide to Go Pro.
There are three categories of people in Network Marketing.
I’ve seen all of them and I’ve been all of them. They are the
Posers, the Amateurs, and the Professionals.
Posers treat this profession as a lottery ticket. They’re hoping
to hit it big with as little effort as possible. When I first started out,
I was a Poser, hoping to ride on my dad and his partner’s coattails.
Luckily for me, I got some results and that kept me going, at least
in the short-term. But I think you can agree with me that remaining
in the Poser category is a bad idea. Within about 90 days I
moved out of that category and became an Amateur.
Amateurs focus on different things. One of the things I continued
to focus on as an amateur was luck. I was really hoping to get
lucky and sign that monster distributor who was going to make me
rich. We’ve all heard the stories of some person who had their
lives completely changed by one sign-up. In reality, even if some
of those stories are true, it really doesn’t serve our profession
very well, because it makes people spend their time hoping for
that big hit.
The second thing I focused on as an amateur was timing.
I was always worried about timing. Did I get in early enough?
Could I be the youngest top-level person in the company? How
many other leaders were already in my local market? Were there
too many to compete against? Were there enough to get true
momentum? How was the company? Was it too big? Did I miss
the growth curve? Was it too small? I was obsessed with the idea
of timing.
The third thing I focused on as an amateur was positioning.
Was I in the right organization? Did other people have a better
position than me? Maybe I didn’t have the right upline. Would I
do better somewhere else?
And the fourth thing I focused on as an amateur was shortcuts.
I was always looking for an angle. Any gimmick that came
down the road, I was up for it. Newspaper advertising? Okay.
Help wanted signs by the side of the road? Let’s go do it. Passing
out fliers at the mall? I’m in. Going door to door? Let’s try
it. The Internet didn’t exist when I was an amateur. Just imagine
how crazy I would have been over all the Internet tactics I could
have used to distract myself. What that meant was, every time I
heard of some shiny new approach being trained by anyone in
the world, I was digging into it to try to find the shortcut.
And then, I finally made the decision to Go Pro. Wikipedia’s
definition of a professional is, “A person who is paid to undertake
a specialized set of tasks and to complete them for a fee.” My
definition of a Network Marketing Professional is, “A person who
is an expert at the skills required to build a large and successful
Network Marketing organization.”
There is a phrase in our profession that does more harm than
good. It says, “Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice.”
The point of this phrase is that it’s better to be excited and ignorant
than it is to be apathetic and smart. That may be true, but
why do we have to choose one or the other?
Let me give you an example. Let’s say you were in need of
an operation. At the hospital you meet your doctor. He comes
in and says, “I’m very excited to conduct your operation. I’m so
passionate about it I could hardly sleep. No one on earth wants
to help you more than I do.” You say, “Wow, thanks Doctor. How
long have you been doing these type of operations?” And he says,
“Well, I’ve never had any schooling on this particular operation,
and I’ve never practiced and I’ve never done one, but it doesn’t
matter because I’m so passionate!” How are you going to feel?
Enthusiasm is great, but eventually you need to marry that passion
with skill.
In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell’s research showed it
takes approximately 10,000 hours of practice to reach the expert
level at anything. With four hours a day of practice, that adds up
to about seven years. That formula applies to Network Marketing
as well. It’s going to take about seven years for you to become
world-class. The good news is, the profession is very forgiving
and you can earn a lot of money while you’re becoming an expert.
The trick is not to get complacent; don’t stop learning while
you’re earning.
When I made the decision to Go Pro, everything changed for
me. I stopped focusing on luck, timing, positioning, and shortcuts.
I even stopped focusing on the money. My world changed
when I started focusing on the skills and made the commitment
to practice, practice, practice, until I mastered them.
Professional athletes will devote endless hours to
preparing for competition but when they join Network
Marketing, they won’t give one day’s worth of effort to
learning our skills. Doctors will devote a decade of their
lives at huge financial expense to become physicians, but
when they join Network Marketing they won’t give a month’s
study and practice to become a Network Marketing Pro.
Another thing happened when I decided to Go Pro. All of a
sudden, my group started to grow. It was like people could sense
my change of focus and my commitment to excellence and they
wanted to be a part of it. Think about a time in your life when
you were around a person committed to excellence. It might
have been a teacher, a coach, a boss or a friend. How did it make
you feel? It was inspiring, right? You’ll find you will be an inspiration
to others when you make this important shift.
Bottom line: If you’re going to be involved in this great profession,
decide to do it right and treat it like a profession. If you
Go Pro, this business is great. If you stay a Poser or an Amateur,
you’re going to be miserable.
And by now, you’ve noticed I use the word profession a lot.
I do that on purpose. Network Marketing is more than just a
project. It’s not an industry. It’s a profession. If you do it right, it’s
truly a career choice. It can take you out of working in a job that
doesn’t make you happy to a place of total freedom.
That’s why I called my website
Here’s what I tell people every day: “Ladies and gentlemen, my
wish for you is that you decide to become a Network Marketing
Professional—that you decide to Go Pro, because it is a stonecold
fact that we have a better way. Now let’s go tell the world.”
When the site launched on March 11, 2009, very few people
called themselves Network Marketing Professionals. That’s no
longer the case. Millions of people have changed the way they
think about our business, and I’m proud of that fact.
I look forward to the day when it’s common for people to
I’m a doctor, but I’m also a Network Marketing
I work in construction, but I’m also a Network
Marketing Professional.
I’m an athlete, but I’m also a Network Marketing
The more people hear those words, the more the world will
be ready for a better way.
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